Search Results
Classical Latin Named Entity Recognition (NER for DH 10.01)
Finalizing the Holocaust NER Pipeline (Named Entity Recognition for DH 09.07)
Zero-shot Named Entity Recognition (NER) with Flair and Rubrix
What are Word Vectors (Named Entity Recognition for DH 06)
Named Entity Recognition Text Demo
PYTHON : Extract list of Persons and Organizations using Stanford NER Tagger in NLTK
Do you want to improve your Latin fluency? Listen to "The Headache" A tale from Godley's Orbilius.
Finding Parts of Speech (SpaCy and Python Tutorial for DH 05)
PRE-RECORDED VIDEO: ARDUOUS - Annotation Scheme for Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction
Latin Alive
Trying to Improve my Latin (Unedited) LLPSI Capitulum Tertium
Uwe Springmann – OCR for Neo-Latin